Welcome to our IANDS friends!

Thank you for your interest in Living God’s Light. We are a worldwide community that supports each other as we seek to strengthen a personal relationship with our Creator. Through that relationship, we can build a direct line of connection, intuition, and inspiration that helps us heal and grow.

While Living God’s Light works with a wide variety of communities and organizations, our IANDS family has a special place in our heart, especially since Vinney’s NDE was instrumental in his spiritual awakening.

Vinney is grateful for the chance to speak at IANDS, and we know that you may have more questions that there won’t be time to answer at the conference.

So, we are hosting a special question & answer session exclusively for IANDS conference attendees.

Please fill out the following information to be added to our exclusive IANDS email group.

As we get closer to the Q&A, we will send you an email with information on how to submit questions beforehand, as well as the link to join the video call.

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